Meghan Jones
Director of Development
Educated in International Studies at the University of Evansville, Indiana, Megan Jones has worked in Austin’s nonprofit sector for nearly 20 years. Coordinating volunteer services while in college, after graduation she moved to Austin to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA at Big Brothers of Sisters of Central Texas. She then worked for a variety of nonprofits from long established national organizations to those new to fundraising including Planned Parenthood, Breast Cancer Resource Center, Wayside Schools and half Helen Foundation.
Meghan is experienced at writing and managing foundation grants, planning and carrying out large and small events, and building and maintaining relationships with major donors. For half Helen, Meghan will apply all of these skills to build and expand half Helen’s network of supporters. She came to half Helen because this NPO has extremely clear direction, taking vision care to the child, removing all the barriers in between, during the school day.
Meghan served two consecutive terms as President of the Grant Professionals Association Austin Central Texas Chapter, mentors young grant professionals, and volunteers for Bake-A-Wish, an all volunteer organization providing birthday cakes to those who wouldn’t otherwise have one.
In her free time, Meghan enjoys baking delicious gluten free cakes and spending time with her partner and their two dogs. She envisions a huge future in front of half Helen and is excited to be a part of it.